Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Good Day.

After several horrendous days of Cooper refusing to feed and going hysterical because he was starving but too sore to try to feed (how confusing for the little lambchop), we had a better day today, just a few dodgy feeds.  He was pretty tired though, so I think that might have been why, he was so sleepy at each feed I don't think he noticed the pain?  

Anyway I am trying to really appreciate the good moments when they come and really soak them all in.

I started a Gratitude Journal too, to try to keep my smile factor up:)  I know it may sound a bit Oprah, a bit corny even, but I think it might help to think of just one happy moment each day, to remind me that life isn't really that bad.  And also to keep me looking outward, being a Reflux mummy we can sometimes become a bit 'woe is me' and forget that others have problems too and that life is good.


  1. Oprah-ish or not - if it works, it works! I'm with you on that one... I got very 'woe is me' when dealing with my reflux-baby; and yet she wasn't as bad as any of your kids sound.

    Good for you - keep your chin up, you know better than me that 'this to shall pass' and it will get better!

  2. Hi! I just came across your blog when I was searching for any advice on things to take (or not to take) during pregnancy to lessen the chances of another refluxed baby - it's encouraging to hear your story and your perseverance! I have two boys who both had reflux and colic, and it's true that unless you've experienced it, then you don't really understand what the mother goes through. Grocery shopping is about my only outing each week - I hate going out as my baby will just scream half the time.
    I feel for you having a baby with colic as well - my babies didn't respond to medication so we had to tough it out as best we could.
    My youngest is 9 months old now and although you always love them, I feel that I'm only starting to truly appreciate and enjoy him now that his symptoms are gradually lessening and he's happier.
    Hope your little man grows out of it very soon! You are doing an amazing job!
